I’m currently at Gold subscription
There you go…bummer. Thanks for your time & help.
@Robdam1001 cleared app cache? maybe clear app data for fresh start?
Arome covers France. HRRR is in Gold. See: datasources in help
Can you zoom out to see the whole world?
I can confirm that Gold is required in order to achieve the level of zoom that I desire. I upgraded from Silver to Gold to confirm. I’ll be downgrading back down to Silver. Thanks again all. Seems like a great, helpful community here! @duane
Big apologies. There is a bug in my “simple” code. 10 points to the person who can see it:
fun getZoomRange(defaultZoomRange: FloatArray): FloatArray? {
if (proAssets.hasProLevel("gold") || proAssets.hasProLevel("expmarine")) {
return floatArrayOf(defaultZoomRange[0], 11.99f)
if (proAssets.hasProLevel("silver")) {
floatArrayOf(defaultZoomRange[0], 9.99f)
return defaultZoomRange
It’s obvious now but it took ages to find.
Sorry for the problems @Robdam1001.
have no idea but what the heck I guess
2nd guess would be
or the 9.99f/11.99f
Return is missing for silver
Is the
@Robdam1001 I took the liberty to update the topic.
Hope you don’t mind.
@Ohan highly annoyed haha it’s all good it’s what we’re here for Thanks
No problem, thanks!
10 points to @tiwag