Subscription on /e/ OS Android?

I do understand your queries very well - so may it be a possibility to offer 3 different versions in the Play store: Basic, Silver and Gold? And Silver and Gold have to be paid and would work for just 365 days until you have to buy a new one… Sounds crazy but this would work for people like me… with degoogled device.


That can be done but it would require me to build a server that would:

  • subscribe to or query the Google Play store API for get changes in subscriptions
  • put that in a database
  • add code to Flow to query the server and cache data
  • and I would have to maintain this server, database and code.

This is a lot work. Currently, Flowx does not run a database.

If I do all this extra work, how many users will this benefit? 1? 10? 100? - definitely not a 1000.

Contrast, this to adding a new data source, which may benefit 1000+ users. This would not take much work since the system and code is already developed and doesn’t add extra on-going maintenance load.

That said, there is a common request to share subscriptions between Google Play and Apple. This would require a system like the one described above. When enough users are calling for this, then this may justify the work.

BTW, I’m thinking of removing Silver subscriptions and only having Gold. Why? because most people buy Gold and maintaining multiple subscriptions is hard.

When I started Flowx, I came out bright eyed and bushy tailed. I was going to do everything for everyone. I came to learn you cannot satisfy all the people, all the time. Now I aim to make Flowx a great app for the appropriate group of people. Instead of being a good app at many things, it’ll be a great app for a few things.

In summary, this means prioritizing features and what I spend my time on.