Alpha Release 4.001 - Eclipse Weather (cloud) Forecast

As part of the port to Apple, Flowx has undergone a major rewrite. In this port to Apple, I have added an Eclipse feature to show the path and shadow of the looming Total Solar Eclipse in North America on the 8th of April. Unfortunately, this Eclipse feature will not make to the general Android release in time. Hence, I am releasing this super-alpha release which has bugs and missing features.

If you’re interested in Alpha Testing and/or the Eclipse feature, send me your Google Play email and I’ll add you to the list of testers.

Note: you will lose all your places, graphs and settings. The alpha release will be like a new install. I haven’t implemented any migration.

Missing Features:

  • Migrations from Flowx 3 to Flowx 4.
  • ECMWF HRES 0.25 resolution (next release)
  • Graph Editor (Mostly done - coming soon)
  • Travel Mode
  • Widget
  • Sun/Moon
  • Translations
  • Right-to-left layout
  • Share - screenshot or movie.
  • Pro subscriptions but you can manually turn Gold Pro on/off in settings.

Bugs (which I plan to fix next):

  • the map can go blank after a while in the background. Fix: restart Flowx.
  • zoom/panning can be finicky.

This is a very exciting step because it’s the start of the end of this major rewrite which started 3 years ago. Once we complete this release to Android it opens up the door to some cool data, features, a desktop version and possibly, a web version.

Cheers, Duane.


To make it easier for Android users, you can download and side-load an APK from here:

This won’t overwrite the Google Play version. They can be installed side-by-side.


New update with the fix to the blank screen:


xkcd: Eclipse Clouds

Did any one here see the eclipse?

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Just a Partial
but then again every night I see total eclipse when the sun drops below the mountains causing total darkness tell morning :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:. when I was way younger long before internet I lived in Oregon we got to see the actual total eclipse was pretty cool.


I rode my Honda Goldwing to McMinnville OR in August 2017 from Vancouver island with my partner to witness the total solar eclipse. It was awesome and well worth the ride south! :smiley:


Where I live in Indiana, I had almost 4 minutes of totality and clear weather by stepping out my front door. My sister in Texas had almost 4 minutes of totality in her pasture, though in mostly cloudy weather. My family is fairly scattered, but both my brothers and 2 of my kids drove varying distances to see totality. Another sister and daughter saw it something like 98% total in Chicago. Of myself and my 4 kids and 4 sibs, the only one to miss it completely was one of my sons and his family in Argentina. The weather varied, but all 6 of us where it was total saw the corona at least briefly. Amazing.

And before the eclipse I spent a lot of time on FlowX being a family meteorological resource.


Amazing Brother Flowx Looking Sharp

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Just had a look at this. Some things look like a definite improvement, others not so much:

  1. Wind vectors and wavefronts seem a lot smaller on the map, and almost invisible.
  2. The indicator menus below the map stay open when a different one is selected.
  3. Composing the layout of graphs is a bit painful, as there’s no way of rearranging them, and opening a new one opens it above the selected graph (somewhat counterintuitively).
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@andrelevy it was just a quick release for the solar eclipse

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Isn’t it a major rewrite which started 3 years ago?

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The major rewrite started 3+ years ago. It was the port to Apple. I added Eclipse to the Apple code but the code wasn’t ready for an Android release because it has many feature that weren’t implemented in the new code. So I released it as alpha to Android users who wanted Eclipse could use the eclipse feature. It was too hard to implement it in the old Android code.


Actually this is all written in the first comment in this post. Check out the first post to see what features were missing.


It’s alpha, I get it. I just thought I’d contribute with some alpha testing.

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