Contribute to the Project


Is there opportunity to help contribute to the platform?

I’d be happy to assist with pull requests, bug hunting, testing, graphic design, administrative tasks, or anything else that needs done.

I pick up new frameworks quickly and would be thrilled to help with the project.

I can be reached at for longer form communication.



Thanks muchly for the offer.

The code is pretty scary. We’re currently porting to Apple and I’m literally rewriting the app where I’m pulling out only the good code and improving the bad designs. I am struggling to keep up with one iOS developer.

That said, marketing and support are the parts I struggle with. Having people help each other on this forum has been great and nice to see.

I’ve always wanted to do tutorial videos and great articles about weather and how to use Flowx. Essentially, to increase the education in the public about weather forecasting. I think forecasts have been simplified to fit into the newspaper format and to make it easy for the whole population to read. This has led to a reduced understanding of weather forecasting among people. This is a shame and is core reason people thing “Flowx is inaccurate” without realising they are looking at billion-dollar weather forecasts and the best weather forecasts humans have made - ever.

I’m happy to support anyone who wants to drive this mission. I’d love to see this forum become a hub for knowledge around weather.

Cheers, Duane.