Min/Max temperature times

One of the main things I use this app for is figuring out the times at which temperature is forecast to be highest and lowest in each day. Currently, to do that, I slide through the chart to find the peaks and troughs (which is a lot of fun). How about adding those times to the chart, though, sort of like that?

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Adding the time to the graph would be useful but it’s not an easy process and adds extra work to the app. Also if you add a time to each graph, it would add clutter. I can also imagine users will ask to add something else, like the value of the temperature, and it keeps going on. It’s hard to satisfy all the people all the time :wink:

I like to keep Flowx clean and simple so if I do add something like this, it would be an option you would turn on, in the graph editor for example. This can be added to my todo list.

Cheers, Duane.


The max and min values we already have, thankfully, there at the top ribbon. It’s the first thing I look at when reading the chart:

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My favorite is the Delta Temperature graph. You can easily see that it gets hot on Tuesday.


Yes, that’s excellent too. Just wish I could more easily spot the times of maxima and minima without having to manually scroll through the timeline. These could be placed on that same max/min temp ribbon, above or below the max/min temps, or directly on the delta temp graph (whichever is easier/clearer).


Maybe a red upward point triangle at the top edge of the temperature graph and a blue downward pointing triangle at the bottom edge. I’ll add it to the todo list.


Did you ever get around to this todo, @duane?

What I was asking/suggesting was for the hottest/coldest hour, not another delta indicator, which is already in the delta chart (and, yes, is super useful!). All we’d need is one additional row in the max/min temps ribbon with the starting hour for each.

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Haven’t done this yet. I’m currently rewriting the app to be more flexible and possibly allow the things you ask.

It’s difficult to fit hourly min/max if you have more than one day showing or a small phone.


Just tbc, this is what I mean:

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Oh, ok, I was thinking something totally different - I forgot what this thread was about.