Like I said before I’m using Flowx app for a week or two and I’m very excited about it! I’m not sure if it is possible, but good + to app could be satellite map. Another think could be map darkness or contrast! I saw it on lightning site! Hope something could be usefull and possible!
I too would love to see base map options. Satellite H-res and topo would greatly improve my experience using your app.
Also, regarding earthquake data, you mention substantial coding effort would be required to add to your app… lt may be worthwhile for you to contact the developers of the weather app (Storm Radar) which had a real-time earthquake feature. Perhaps they would be willing to share that code with you? The app was shut down recently, so I’ve been looking for a replacement which led me to FlowX. You are doing a great job with this app. I’m signing up for your Top Tier subscription today to support your efforts and to REWARD you for taking the time to communicate with those who message you! Awesome job😊
Earthquakes are on my todo list but it’s just a matter of finding the time to add them.
I didn’t add satellite map data because the color maps don’t render well on top of variable colored maps and also I can’t remove the oceans to render the wave data. I need to add a sea mask to overcome this latter problem.
Love the app its actually the only one I have that I pay for! Its taught me a lot about weather, but the only thing I can’t find is any good information on is the options within the rain radars. The FAQs on your site link to RainViewer but I can’t find any good info from them on what I’m looking at
@DowntownBrown Hello and Welcome to the Forum and Thank You for Using Flowx.
Radar takes readings at multiple Heights and Distances
Composite reflectivity displays the highest reflectivity of ALL elevations scans. Reflectivity is the amount of transmitted power returned to the radar receiver after hitting precipitation
Bottom row icons there is a rain cloud (precipitation) and 4 radar symbols (radar reflectivity, radar composite, radar at 1k and radar at 4km). I don’t understand the differences or what they are trying to tell me. I looked here then went to rainviewers website for more information (couldn’t find any) and then went to the data sources page but was unable to find anything explaining like I’m 5 what I’m looking at with each radar.
Based on Brian’s reply above (thank you!) sounds like I should just be focusing on the composite?