NOAA NAM 3km Clock Issues


I recently tried out your iPhone app and wanted to check the presentation vs another modeler (GR fed by AllisonHouse) and your rendering is truly beautiful. However, the model time appeared to be off. In particular, the 2024-7-31 18Z run appears to be several hours behind local time at my current location (GMT-6). Just wanted to let you know, and please let me know if there’s anything I should be doing differently or if there’s any more data I can provide!


What weather model are you comparing?

Are you comparing the model run time to your local time or are you comparing the model run time to GR by AllisonHouse?


Hi Duane,

Well this is certainly embarrassing - I identified the source of the disagreement in data and it was entirely my own. I appreciate the quick response, and apologize for the false complaint!


@sktsswth Hello and Welcome to the Forum and Thank you for Using Flowx

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