Hi @duane ,
Thanks for your response. I have to apologize for my language but I was using your app for months clicking on the pop-up message every day without clicking on the “why are you seeing this”. But when finally I saw your reasoning, it really made me upset.
Raising Hungary to the same level with Russia and Belarus is definitely an extreme approach. Just because Orban blocks just one or two of the sanctions? We agreed all of the sanctions without question. We did not agree of simple cutting Hungary down from gas. We are looking for the solution, but our gas dependency is much stronger – historical and geographical reason - and Hungary’s economy would simply collapse without that gas. Also blocking does not mean we don’t agree, it means we don’t accept it in that specific form. But each country can decide by itself individually. All of other sanctions we supported. By this we became the supporter of the war? Really? That’s quite simple and manipulative approach.
What about the refugees from Ukraine? Some countries (as I know 3 of them) already expressed that they don’t want to handle more refugees because it’s already problematic for the society. Hungary has never done that though we accepted more refugees than others compering to the population. Maybe Poland does a better job, they are just awesome. The Hungarian government does everything to help. But you don’t read about it, do you? Yes, Zelenskyy criticizes him (Orban) as he would like more – of course I can understand him, his country is in war – but he uses such a tone, that not acceptable. Ukraine always has used such tone with Hungary. Check back for 10 years why. Anyway, recently he (Zelenskyy) changed his tone anyway. Are you still right about that Hungary is a war supporter?
Many of my friends - and many Hungarian families accepted refugees, some of them for long term. Just our church (it’s a small church) has already collected maybe around 1/2 million (really!) USD from around the world to help Ukraine. And non of them thinks that Orban supports the war. Try to guess why. I’m happy o introduce you to my church fellows if you are willing.
What about your country? I have heard that retailers removed Russian vodka from the shelves. But it was not centrally decided by your government. Does it mean your government supports the bloodshed? Maybe…
And what about other countries that openly or less openly, but definitely support Putin’s aggression. India is happy to buy the oil now. Did you put your message to India either? Did your government cut all ties with India? No? Hmmm… maybe Jacinda Ardern has some Russian interest? So, one more reason to extend your simplified list. Here is my suggestion.
War supporter countries: Russia, Belarus, Hungary and New Zealand.
I think it looks nice.
Yes, you say the government does not have the right and power to influence so directly the economy. It is a healthy democracy. So? Maintaining a healthy democracy is more important than the blood of Ukrainians? * Conclusion again: New Zealand is a bloody supporter of the war.
Or about the weapons. As a Nato member, we fully support every decisions made by Nato. Beyond that it should be the sovereign decision of the individual countries. As it is.
As for articles about Orban. All around the world the liberal media is happy to write down Orban’s smallest questionable decision any time since his opposition of the EU’s migration policy (it was 20% about the refugees, 80% is the migration policy). Now, no one criticizes him on tis manner… you can make a deeper study on this if you are interested.
Coronavirus: Our parliament accepted an emergency power in case of need to act fast (and not arguing in the parliament for weeks whether we should close the borders). With this emergency act Orban’s power was still much less and more limited(!) than for example the French president’s power in normal circumstances. And he never used this power. What could you read in your favorite media? Orban grabbed the power. He became a dictator. Just simply that.
Edit: I found what I wanted to insert here. It’s a nice example about the reliability of the media and speaks for itself.
The CNN reporter (quite a reliable news agency) stated that the parliament is closed down while it was not at all, it was functioning normally. She did not even make a fact check on her own questions? I think we can agree it’s a bad joke. But clearly reflects how the media blows up some things according to their favor and nobody gonna check the reality. Just no one. Later I read similar news from Reuters (that is pretty reliable too… or not).
What about the 2/3 in the parliament? We gave him. Through democratic election. That really hurts some “democratic” leaders in the world, I know. Hungary is more democratic than the US. You say: really? Yes, really. I have no clue about New Zealand, sorry.
And now your conclusion: “Better than doing nothing?” – you draw the conclusion. Placing Hungary to the level of Russia and Belarus? No problem. You can do that, but don’t be surprised if I don’t like it.
So better than nothing? I think the aim does not justify the means.
First I wanted to send around a message to friends and forums (you know, social media is so useful… let’s enjoy) that if someone don’t agree with this categorization, they can downrate your app on Google Play, so you might get maybe a thousand one star rating. But I did not do it because it would be pretty mean. I hate this cancel culture we are living in, and the power of manipulation behind it, I don’t want to be drifted by this stream. Instead of I decided to enjoy your pop-up message daily. It reminds me on the Ukrainian situation and You as well. (Yes, I know about the secret key…)
My apology for the last sentence about the medication. That was rude from me. Gonna remove from the Google play comment. I really would like to give you five star as your app is just awesome, but that five star would not match with the comment and with my indignation.
One more comment on the article you referred: The author is clearly a scholar of the right left side politics (sorry for the correction), some of her schools are private schools founded(!) or supported by George Soros, the enemy of Orban. Soros really would like to smash him as Orban is an obstacle in his economical manipulation made in the name of freedom (He is quite well known about it). But you can argue with this.
Sorry for my long response, but hope you get my point.
Wow! This one became quite a deep question. I really would like to open a discussion on this simple question. But not here. Anybody is more familiar with forums where it can be discussed, feel free to use this philosophical sentence (Is it philosophical? Sorry I’m an engineer…).
One more sidenote: you mentioned that just two users requested for the secret code. does it mean everybody else is a war supporter? Quite a bad ratio. Maybe the all world supports the war? Or your idea is not working?