data model?

Hi. I’ve used Flowx for a few years now and always wondered if it would be possible to offer a data model from Weather API - OpenWeatherMap or some similar aggregated source. Is the avaible data just not what is needed to populate a Flowx model, or is there a cost barrier, or something else?



@Ben1 Hello and Welcome to the Forum and Thank You for Using Flowx

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From OpenWeather Google Play Store:

“Be aware of any precipitation within an hour with a minute precision or plan your activities for the next Sunday morning.”

I’m curious how OW can offer such precision given that the nine sources used by FlowX Pro version can have it sunny, rainy, calm and windy all at the same time?

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@IEales The Models Used By Flowx are the Same Models Used By National Weather Service (NWS) & National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as Well as All The Meteorologist on Your Local News. Weather is Constantly Changing They Probly use the Same exact Models and Choose which might be the Closest. The Precision Part is Based on What has Happened in the past in that area. I’ve had apps say rain, snow, thunderstorm etc. next few minutes and nothing happens but it gets cloudy other times it will say heavy, light rain etc. and it does the opposite. I live in a Micro Climate so No Apps or Meteorologist are 50% correct. apps are like tools in a tool box they help you plan. If You Read The Description on all the Weather Apps They Claim Precise, Accurate Weather Blah Blah. Another Reason Flowx is Different It Shows You The Models Independently To Help You Better Plan Flowx is Not Your Basic Weather App You Need to be Able to Understand Weather and Weather in Your Area


Brian, the question was rhetorical to the op :wink:


ah I See Thanks.


The best answer is in the help:

Read about the difference between weather simulations and MOS. OpenWeatherMap have their own secret sauce. Feel free to post a summary here.

Also the minute-by-minute forecast might be based on forward predictions of radar.

Finally, it doesn’t make sense for Flowx to do both MOS (which 99%of weather apps do) and weather simulations. I use the analogy of the “tractorcar” which is a hybrid car and tractor - it sucks at plowing a field and slow to drive to work. Best to focus on one thing and do it well before spreading too wide and doing multiple things “OK”.


Also users will get confused and complain when they don’t understand why the OpenWeatherMap data in the graphs show rain but the GFS data in map does not show rain. They won’t match.