Radar accuracy

Not sure if it’s a big or a model issue but I’m having trouble with radar accuracy with a torrential downpour outside it doesn’t show any rain in the area where other radar apps do. I’ll post pics as an example. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. Well, I can’t post 2 pics to compare because it says I’m a new user and can’t do 2 so I can’t show the comparison. Here is the flowx one but without the comparison it’s pretty worthless.

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Can’t see the radar icon in your screenshot. Has it been activated ?

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Ok well that would certainly do it. It’s on now.
Question though. What is the use of rainview? It was currently raining over the entire area. Is rainview just a prediction and never live data?

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Radar Reflectivity is not based on a weather model. It’s actual data with about a 10 minute processing lag.


Also radar is based on what’s in the clouds Topography can also make a huge difference. yes it can show rain but not rain in your area also the reverse it could show no rain and you get a ton of rain because radar can’t predict what may or may not fall. also if nothing is showing try the different models like CMC, NOAA etc. sometimes they are different that’s why they are there. another thing to try is to click the 3 vertical dots select refresh after the refresh do it again a window will open saying something like force refresh select that see if that helps.


@callen_v1 Hello and Welcome to the Forum and Thank You for Using Flowx

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