Rain Radar swiping behaviour

Any chance of the latest rainfall data being retained on screen after swiping beyond the current time? Looking for the most recent situation is really fiddly as you’re likely to find yourself just tipping past the current time and having the screen suddenly clear of rainfall info.

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@beardypete tap the clock it will bring you to current time

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Hi @beardypete,

single-tap the clock icon to go to the current real-time.

double-tap in the clock icon will snap to the latest radar image.

Cheers, Duane.


Hi Duane - thanks for the feedback, I hadn’t realised that there was a double-tap function - I apologise for not having picked up on this feature.

Notwithstanding the double-click way of jumping to the latest download of rain radar info, I habitually swipe to look at the dynamics of actual rainfall as it moves across my chosen location, and I suspect that many users do the same - it’s the abrupt disappearance as I pass beyond the most recently downloaded radar data that I hope you might tweak.

For the user, it would be immediately apparently that there was a need to force a refresh if the screen ‘froze’ significantly before the current time, or that the screen had frozen because they’d passed the current time.

Am I making sense, lol?

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Hello @beardypete,

I decided that showing radar after the latest time was not real or correct. Some users will get confused. I still think this. But maybe we can make it semi-transparent after the latest radar image. This will both demarcate the current data and still allow you to see the latest image.

There is still no indicator that the radar data is not up to date. Radar can be up to ten minutes behind the current time. It’s near impossible to overcome this. Flowx checks for new radar data every 200 seconds, so there is no need to refresh manually unless you’re really impatient. Having the app check more often than this will unnecessarily load my (our) server.

Cheers, Duane.


I was just thinking something similar, but my thoughts where to just show the outline of the last radar image, so that the variation in intensity in the forecast is not (too) obfuscated by the still and semi-transparent last radar.

Just a thought.

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Yes, a ghosted transition would do the job, if it’s doable without driving you crazy Duane!


@beardypete, Semi-transparent is relatively easy.

@ohan, an outline (if I’m correctly imagining what you’re thinking) is hard :slight_smile:


That sounds good Duane - ghosting would be in keeping with the overall smooth Apple-esque feel of the app - just abruptly vanishing feels clunky. Thanks for listening, you should receive a medal for developer responsiveness :medal_sports::medal_sports::medal_sports: