I thought I had a bug to report but reinstalling the app fixed it. I was hesitant to reinstall in case I lost my subscription but all I lost was my place data and I regained all functionality.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 6 and I think Flowx stopped working after a recent Samsung update.
The problem was that forcast data became limited to 7 days despite being a Gold subscriber and if I moved the map then all graph data dissapeared.
I am posting this here in case anyone else has a similar issue. Try reinstalling!
I have lost all weather source feeds. I’m in the UK. I have uninstalled and re-installed and I still don’t get any weather. I am a gold subscriber and this is the first time this has happened.
I have the problem on a Galaxy S30 and a Lenovo Tablet.
Earlier today all data disappeared when using Frankfurt as the server source.
Try switching to New York.
@Cleverdic Hello and Welcome to the Forum and Thank You for Using Flowx.
Alex, that worked. Thanks. To be clear though, I was originally set for “closest” server. I assumed it would automatically switch to a working server with that setting. I didn’t test it though.
Brian, thanks. Great fan. I use it daily. Far better than scrolling through tables of data which most of the other apps offer.
Thanks for fixing the FRA server, I can confirm it’s working again.
Yes, the Frankfurt server fell over last night. Unfortunately I went to bed without seeing it. I’m redirecting traffic to the New York server now while I try to fix the Frankfurt one.
Sorry about that.
Cheers, Duane.
Ok, I think it’s back to normal now.