Settings for widget not respecting reordered places

To reproduce this bug:

  1. Have more than 1 “place”, (add a place if needed).
  2. Tap Menue > Editor > places.
  3. Reorder the places.
  4. A) add widget, or B) if you have a widget, tap the 3 dots in top right corner to open widget settings.
  5. In widget settings, tap the location to expand the list of possible locations to choose from.
  6. Is this list ordered according to how you reordered it in 3.?
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@Ohan it’s in the same order for me :thinking:

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Ok. I’ll try to reinstall the app (later), to see if this helps.

Agreed. App and widget have different place order.


@BrianLY-38 did you try to reorder the places?
Is the order of the places in the widget settings in the new order for you?

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I tried everything you mentioned above I even went as far as uninstalling and starting from scratch widget order is the way I arranged it sorry but don’t forget there has been several times the problem for whatever reason doesn’t effect me I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not :joy: cause the next issue that comes along beats me up :joy::rofl::joy: