Tides! šŸ˜†

Judging from how other app devs struggle to implement tidal data, Iā€™m guessing this might be a reach, never mind featuritus.

However should ever the idea strike your fancy , a zillion fishermen, clam diggers,
sailors, submariners, surfers, beach combers, cyclists, birdwatchers, besotted neā€™er-do-wells, nudists & dogs(same) would beat a path to your door.

Thatā€™s my forecast.

:heart: ā€œweather bombā€ 4ever



@pseudogrammaton Hello and Welcome to the Forum and Thank You for Using Flowx

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I would love to do tides since I use them too but it is hard to collate all the data. I have an alternative plan that uses the sun and moon but itā€™ll require a bit of research.


@duane Youā€™re Awesome Brother Keep Up the Hard Work itā€™s Greatly Appreciated. :beers::beers:

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Tides are useless to most of the worldā€™s population.
A bespoke Tides app is a better idea. Loading up a super app like Flowx with something most will never use is a bad idea. Slows development on useful weather features and inevitably introduces bugs.
This app is FREE and accurate.
Tides - Apps on Google Play
Iā€™ve used it for years all over the globe

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The Creator of the App Added it for His friends and family and Boaters Find The info Usful. goes back to the old saying you canā€™t please everyone. We Try to Keep Things Positive on the Forum Thanks


Itā€™s now US$2 (for me at least). I use Willy Weather for it, but itā€™d sure be cool to have it in Flowx as an additional chart.

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