Upcoming Developments

Major Features:

  • Radar (~due early July)
  • Sub-menus (~mid July) - ability to group similar data icon, e.g., clouds with total cloud, low, mid and high cloud, or waves with height, direction and period.
  • Secret feature #2 (mid July) - gotta create some anticipation and surprise)
  • OpenZones (mid July) - where Flowx opens up all data in disaster regions, e.g., a hurricane hitting Florida.
  • Finish scales and colour spectrums
  • Fix widget updates on Android 9+
  • GPX tracks
  • a better graph editor
  • theme editor
  • add/remove/edit the number gauges above the map.

Minor Features:

  • better swipe speed settings.
  • Scheduled nightly job to delete old data. The current approach is not optimal.
  • Prioritize downloads, e.g., graph downloads first, then visible data downloads, then the rest.

If this gets old, remind me by email to update it


@duane Sweet Canā€™t wait :+1::+1: :open_mouth: but thatā€™s a Big List


Can we get a play button so that the radar loops and is not only manual, maybe with the ability to choose the time frame as well


@Ekap Hello and Welcome to the Forum and Thank You for using Flowx


Hi @Ekap,

A ā€œplay buttonā€ is something Iā€™ve avoided adding since itā€™s a complex feature and replicates an existing function.

I call it complex because people will want different speeds, a time range to replay over (you might want to only view radar but have 7 days set), and a loop vs swing back and forward. Youā€™ll also need a dialog pop-up to set these. If you select ā€œShareā€ in the top-right menu and create a movie, youā€™ll see what I mean.

Compare this to the simplicity of the swipe function.

I also get frustrated with them - when you see something of interest and want to check what day/time it happens, itā€™s already gone past the time.

This feature has been requested a few times but itā€™s unlikely to be added since I havenā€™t seen a convincing or compelling reason for the feature.

Just an indication on how I choose features to add. Iā€™m a solo developer so I can only do one thing at a time so I choose things based on time to implement and the impact (and how fun it is). Letā€™s say itā€™ll take a week to implement a play button and a week to add another data source, clearly the data source is more valuable than the play button - so itā€™ll be selected.

Hope that explains things.

Ha, ha, I just looked at my list and dates. I didnā€™t expect the ā€œbuilding the houseā€ to take that much of an impact. Iā€™m kind-of working on submenus now.

Cheers, Duane.


I understand. Your reasons all make sense. I love this app (Even paid for the Gold because I love the extra data sources). I figured it would be neat so that when I show your app to friends and family it would be easier than showing them how to swipe and that it correlates with the time. It would also take the app to the mass consumer level of having customizable ā€˜playā€™ settingsā€¦ Being able to select speed and range. Just a thought if you can get around to it. Keep up the good work, we love your app!


I donā€™t mean to be a wet-blanket, but ā€œplayā€ settings will not tip the needle one bit. Many times Iā€™ve added a feature thinking ā€œthis will do itā€ and the result was underwhelming.

The best example of this was my ā€œEclipseā€ feature which showed the shadow of the eclipse passing over USA as you swiped. You could view this with clouds and find the best place to view the solar eclipse. This was the first and only app/website to offer this feature. Surely, this would do it. Itā€™s so relevant. I worked on it for over a month, release and NOTHING!! I posted it on forums and posted videos on YouTube - still nothing. It felt like tumble weeds were rolling by. One of the major reasons was that most viewers were on Apple. But the number of Android users that appeared to use it was less than 10, probably less than 5.

The only things Iā€™ve seen to tip the needle are new data sources, increasing the prices (this surprised me), online articles mentioning Flowx, and better prompting for the Pro version.

I used to think ā€œlow price = high volume = profitā€ so I had Flowx at $2/year and we made little growth. Then I changed it to $5/y, $10/yr and $20/yr, and we got much higher growth. I think the reason is that people thought Flowx sounds cheap , and hence not good, at $2/yr.

Cheers, Duane.


is it possible to add ā€œFront linesā€ to the map? I can usually figure out where they will be by watching the animated winds and barometric pressures, but it would be convenient if they were already drawn.

I recently upgraded to Gold because I have enjoyed the free version of the app for a while now and wanted to throw some support your way. The added data is worth it plus the extra days in the forecast! Thanks for the great piece of work!

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Weather fronts is a manually process done by trained meteorologists.The first reason is that Iā€™m not meteorologist. The second reason is to do this manually for 64 weather simulation forecasts per day where 10 are global forecasts is beyond me.

The might be automated methods but they are cutting edge and I donā€™t have time or computer power to implement these. Just do a search on ā€œAutomated Front detectionā€ to see this research.


Hi @Gadget!

Welcome to the forum!

I think the app is superb, only thing I miss is the ability to make top and bottom bars of widget transparent to match rest of widget if one chooses no background in graphs.


this app is really superb,
the only thing i miss is a
force refresh button in the UI


@tiwag itā€™s under the 3 dots

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i know

Iā€™m forced three times a day to press 4 buttons to get it, therefore i want a direct button for
force refresh !


@tiwag ah I get what you are saying sorry I couldnā€™t find my glasses when I 1st read.


I just restart the app. For me that is faster.

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