UV index in graphs

I’d like to be able to add a line for UV index, particularly in Monkey’s Wedding.
I suppose the difficulty is that UV index is generally available as an observation, rather than a forecast, but if this is possible it would be welcome.


This will be doable in the near future. UV is a prediction.


Excellent news!

Thank you!

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Hello @duane - did anything come of this? Am a premium user and would love to see UV index in the graphs.

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The code to support this is in the new rewrite of the app which part of the port to Apple. I’m hoping get Apple released in June but it’ll take a months after that to add all features currently in Android into the new app, tested and released.


Great. Thanks and good luck. I hope the apple port goes well.


I use the new Android version daily and it’s very clean and tidy.

I’m hoping to release an alpha test version soon (it won’t have this feature quite yet).

Check this page for the Roadmap. If you see a feature you use on this roadmap, then the alpha version might not be for you. The “Post-Release Roadmap” will be focused on getting Android out and Apple will get less priority.

Once we have feature parity with Android, I will slowly release a beta version to find crashes, bugs and test migration.

That’s the plan anyway.

Keep an eye on the forum if you’re interested in testing.


Coming back after 10 months. Still using the app and think it’s great. Did UV index graphs ever make it in?


I’m still working on the rewrite for the Apple port. I just added UV index on the graph and as a gauge (and map) - see below.

I’m still trying to complete the Graph Editor for Apple, then I’m going to focus on getting this code to Android. This might take a few months. I have to update some data sources and possibly add Eclipse data before I can work on this code for Android.


Looking Awesome

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Thanks for the update and good luck with the rewrite and work. Hope it all goes well.