Compare Feature [version 1] [on Android]

@FlowxLloyd all @ericm was mentioning was in compare mode taping on a graph and a vertical line would extend down all the graphs and show the time no text based report.


Iā€™ve been reading this topic over and over in compare mode by single or double taping or scrolling to a particular point then displaying it on the main map would this be for the purpose of a shortcut? Or just to view it on the map? Cause right now when I go to compare mode itā€™s just to see just that to compare then I go to the map and swipe to desired time. I believe thatā€™s what the compare mode was created for rather than loading each source on the map.


I think this is all that needs to be done to the Compare Mode


I quickly skimmed through the discussion.

The main reason for the vertical bar is to be able to quickly see the same time or align the time in all the graphs.

I think with the source label, I will move it into the top center of the graph is there are no sources listed, e.g., if the source was ICON, you see ā€œICON|GFSā€ in the graph. If the source was GFS, then youā€™ll see ā€œGFSā€ in the center of the graph.

I think we have enough to implement in the next version and test it out. Then we can iterate on the result - maybe start a new thread called ā€œCompare Feature v2ā€ā€¦

Hoping to get time for this tomorrow for a release in a few days.

Cheers, Duane.


Thatā€™s very agile of you @duane. Keep up the good work, at a pace you enjoy.


@FlowxLloyd regarding ā€œto what endā€: Besides the resons @duane just clarifyed,

(along with design desition that I think will make and awesome step in the right direction for next iteration,) I also stated the following, that I totally agree should be discussed more before ā€œCompare Feature v2ā€:

I understand that there defenitly are and will be different opinions regarding:

and I also understand that implementing a

ā€œfloating single row of text data that is switching what to display based on one higlited graph in the compare modeā€

might cost more in time and code compared to what is is worth.

The double tap to go back and forth between main mode and compare mode will be a game changer itself in usability, so maybe that will be enough.

So Iā€™ll be exited to see and play with the next iteration, and then to discuss what to improve next (if anything in the compare mode).

Perhaps these allredy decided improvements will be enough for long time to come, and the rest of focus should be put elsewhere.

Peace on you all!

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Peace received and enjoyed.



I would have been lost in graphs without icons, back when I was a noob.
Icons are always better then words. :monkey::eye::monkey_face::poop:


@FlowxLloyd I believe the icons on the compare mode will be the only ones replaced or just the name of the of the model will be placed in the top middle location of each graph to remove the banner on top of each graph so to take up less room. I think I worded that correctly sometimes itā€™s difficult to put thoughts into words :neutral_face:


You have beautiful thoughts. Keep nailing down @duane on ā€œwatches and warningsā€ and radar. Thatā€™s some of the most exciting stuff coming to Flowx.


Flowx is already the best and somehow @duane pulls something new out of the clouds :cloud::cloud_with_snow::cloud_with_lightning_and_rain::cloud_with_lightning::tornado::fog::wind_face:


Hi all, Iā€™m slowly getting there. Itā€™s been a bit more difficult that I thought. I should have beta out in the next day or two.


No Problem @duane take your time. Appreciate Your Hard Work and Dedication.


New changes are in beta testing which should be available in the next hour.

Notice I didnā€™t get to reduce the heights of the graph. I tried having days on every seconds graph but it looked odd.


@duane Awesome Job loving the New Updates as always :+1::+1: personally I think the graph heights are fine Radar is better than smaller graphs :wink:


@duane just a thought how bout instead of card name next to arrow make the banner smaller and put week days at the top. But then I got to thinking bad idea cause if itā€™s still not short enough to fit all graphs when you scroll you lose the weekdays



Tippity-tap, tippity-tap
Happy as a kitty :cat2:

Tapping the time
Is so fine

Tippity-tap, tippity-tap
Thanks @duane


Thanks guys. I think weā€™ll slowly iterate on this function and itā€™s polish over time.

Next, I will add swipe functionality and the time you double-tap is passed back to the map.

Cheers, Duane.


Agree, a time line would be useful in compare mode. Just simple vertical lines or, probably more complex, add time as an attribute to the cursor.


There is a time line you can move by swiping. Having the time value is a good idea though.