First of all, thanks so much for this app! When weatherspark on the web was gone I really had no good alternative.
- yet to be loaded map tiles should be indicated visually. Right now I can’t see if some clouds are yet to load in or if it’s clear skies. Alternatively make the loading percentage a bit more present and have it include map tiles somehow.
- sleeper widget: only load widget after tapping it to conserve battery and data
- explain what happens to my silver subscription if I upgrade to gold. Will I basically loose what I already paid for in silver? That might hold people back from the upsale.
- easy way to look up weather at location without making it a permanent location in the menu
- I think high/low temperatures should be next to the temperature graph, maybe below it? (it that’s editable I’m just too stupid
- let me re-order places in the menu by long-press and drag
- the tiny “more” menu bottom right is not intuitive. It only extra shows controls for the last thing you enabled. so enabling pollen e.g. you can’t toggle sun and moon any more.
- make graphs pinch-to-zoomable. If zoomed it needs to center the graph under the cursor however. Not sure how to keep controls intuitive.
- zooming out further would be so cool to see.
What I’d really love would be a way to hack in local university rain radars, but I wouldn’t really know how that could be done right. Usually you just get some gif without a transparent background and it wouldn’t be nice to hotlink it either…
and btw: can I offer to trade in a german translation for a gold sub ? I’m an IT guy and it’s fine if you just send me any i18n file.